If the idea of mortgages for seniors seems strange to you, that’s understandable. Most people taking out home loans these days are well short of their retirement years, but surprisingly not all. In 2021, buyers 65 and older accounted for roughly one-eighth of all mortgages originated. Whether downsizing, upsizing, moving across town or heading for sunnier climes, older Americans are a big part of the home mortgage scene.
Given the assumption that many of these seniors have a solid credit history and FICO score, one might think older buyers are a shoo-in for mortgage approval. But according to this 2023 Wall Street Journal analysis, many seniors who are shopping for homes actually find that getting approved for a mortgage is harder than they had expected. The gist of the article, written by reporter Robyn Friedman, is that older buyers need to do their homework – no pun intended – and anticipate some potential pushback when it comes to qualifying for the mortgage on that dream house.
(Note that accessing the Wall Street Journal article may require a paid subscription.)
Mortgages for Seniors: New Data, Same Issue
In preparing to reintroduce this important topic for retirees, we checked out a few other sources. This quote came from a recent article published on Yahoo News.
“Despite laws prohibiting lending discrimination on the basis of age, it can still be challenging for seniors to qualify for home financing. In fact, a 2023 working paper out of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia found a link between the rejection rate on mortgage applications and the age of the borrower.”
There are certainly many factors in getting the mortgage you want, but evidence does suggest that age can play a negative role.
Mortgages for Seniors: Older Buyers Face “Daunting” Challenges
“The process of getting a mortgage can be a challenging one for applicants of any age,” Friedman writes. “But for older borrowers, those who are no longer drawing a paycheck or are relying on passive income, proving to a lender that they have sufficient income and assets to qualify can be even more daunting.”
We were surprised to learn just how many older home buyers are in the market for a mortgage. “According to Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data provided to The Wall Street Journal by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,” Friedman states, “13 percent of all mortgages originated in 2021 were by people 65 years of age and older. That is over 1.9 million mortgages.”
Ageism May be Illegal, but Lenders Still Consider “Age-Related Factors”
Friedman explains that mortgage lenders will typically approve or disapprove loans based on commonly-understood gauges including the applicant’s income, assets, debts and credit score.
“Discrimination against credit applicants on the basis of age is prohibited by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act,” she writes. “However, while lenders may not consider age per se when qualifying an applicant, they can look at age-related factors such as whether that applicant’s income might drop because they are about to retire.”
In other words, lenders “scrutinize not only the source of a borrower’s income, but the likelihood that it will continue as well,” says the Wall Street Journal. As Charlie Nilsen, a Santa Clara-based private banker, told Friedman. “Regardless of your work status, there is still a requirement that you be able to support a mortgage, with verified cash flow and income.”
Mortgages for Seniors: Income Verification Gets Complex
Many older buyers have multiple income streams, and they all can factor in loan approval. “All types of income, active and passive, are included when qualifying an applicant for a mortgage,” says Friedman. “But the process of verifying that income may vary.”
One loan official, Brian Rugg of loanDepot Inc, explained the process. “For example,” he told Friedman, “when an individual receives Social Security benefits, all we have to do is verify that the award was to the individual we’re lending to or that they are the beneficiary of that award. With Social Security retirement income, it’s typically a lifetime guarantee, so there’s no need to validate the continuance of the income.”
Seniors Who Rely on Investment Portfolios Face Hurdles
However, says the article, “For retirees who rely on an investment portfolio to cover living expenses, qualifying for a mortgage is slightly different, experts say, and the methods vary depending on whether that retiree is taking required minimum distributions, withdrawals from retirement accounts that are required by the IRS, or just dipping into a portfolio when he or she needs funds.”
Bill Banfield of Rocket Mortgage told Friedman that, for borrowers taking required minimum distributions from an IRA or 401(k), “the income they receive can be used for qualifying as long as the account has sufficient assets for those distributions to continue for three years.”
However, things get more complicated for applicants who are withdrawing money from nonretirement accounts when they need cash. We lack the space to go into detail here, but suffice it to say that buyers relying on discretionary withdrawals from these types of accounts are going to need some good financial advice before assuming the mortgage amount for which they might get approved.
Friedman includes three things she suggests older adults should consider before applying for a mortgage.
Mortgages for Seniors: Find an Experienced Lender
Most home buyers don’t compare lenders, according to the article. “A survey released in November 2022 by Zillow Home Loans found that 72 percent of prospective home buyers had not shopped around, nor had any plans to shop around, for a mortgage that best suits their financial situation,” Friedman writes. “But, working with a lender who has experience with older applicants can mean the difference between approval and rejection.”
She cited one older buyer with an 800 FICO score and no debt. “He called a lending institution he banked with to ask about a cash-out mortgage, and they asked if he was employed. He said no, and they told him they couldn’t help him,” says Friedman. “Although he had other sources of income, they didn’t ask about it. When he called the lender back to explain that he had other sources of income, they took his application, and he qualified for the mortgage.”
That’s one reason why many experts recommend dealing with a mortgage officer in person instead of filling out a mortgage application online. Online applications may lack the space to list all your income. “You need to speak to an expert, someone who is experienced and will give you good advice,” one expert said.
If You’re a Cosigner, Prepare for Mortgage Challenges
Most of us know that cosigning a loan opens up a potential can of worms better left untouched. “If you’ve cosigned for a home or car loan for children or grandchildren, be aware that those loans can affect your credit score,” Friedman writes.
According to Rocket Mortgage’s Banfield, these problems can jeopardize your loan approval, “Any derogatory payments affect the credit score of the retired person,” he told the Wall Street Journal. “Even if there is no delinquency, it’s another debt reported on your credit report, so even if you have all the money saved up that you want, if your credit score drops below eligible levels, you won’t qualify for a mortgage.”
Consider Alternatives for Short-Term Home Financing
If your financial need is short term – waiting to sell one home, for example, before fulfilling a contingent offer on another – you may have better options. “For short-term needs, such as bridge financing for those selling a home and buying a new one, there are alternatives other than a home mortgage,” says Friedman.
“They can do an asset-based loan or an investment credit line and borrow against their investment portfolio to pay cash for the new home,” said Michael Silver, a certified financial planner in Florida. “I have many clients who have done that, but it’s always a shorter-term solution where you have a plan to pay it back because the rate fluctuates monthly.” Mr. Silver said the rates are generally 1.5 percentage points over the 30-day Libor or federal-funds rates, and adjust monthly.
Rajiv Nagaich – Your Retirement Planning Coach and Guide
The long-awaited book by Rajiv Nagaich, called Your Retirement: Dream or Disaster, has been released and is now available to the public. Retirement: Dream or Disaster joins Rajiv’s ground-breaking DVD series and workbook, Master Your Future, as a powerful planning tool in your retirement toolbox. As a friend of AgingOptions, we know you’ll want to get your copy and spread the word.
You’ve heard Rajiv say it repeatedly: 70 percent of retirement plans will fail. If you know someone whose retirement turned into a nightmare when they were forced into a nursing home, went broke paying for care, or became a burden to their families – and you want to make sure it doesn’t happen to you – then this book is must-read.
Through stories, examples, and personal insights, Rajiv takes us along on his journey of expanding awareness about a problem that few are willing to talk about, yet it’s one that results in millions of Americans sleepwalking their way into their worst nightmares about aging. Rajiv lays bare the shortcomings of traditional retirement planning advice, exposes the biases many professionals have about what is best for older adults, and much more.
Rajiv then offers a solution: LifePlanning, his groundbreaking approach to retirement planning. Rajiv explains the essential planning steps and, most importantly, how to develop the framework for these elements to work in concert toward your most deeply held retirement goals.
Your retirement can be the exciting and fulfilling life you’ve always wanted it to be. Start by reading and sharing Rajiv’s important message. And remember, Age On, everyone!
(originally reported at www.wsj.com)