
New Report: Artificial Skin Can Make Wrinkles Disappear

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According to a recent report just published in the scientific journal Nature Materials, scientists may be on the verge of creating something many men and women could really get excited about. They may have discovered an artificial “second skin” that can make wrinkles disappear – at least temporarily.

We found the story of this anti-wrinkle breakthrough in this article on the website of the New York Times. It describes this experimental new product as “an invisible film that can be painted on your skin and give it the elasticity of youth.” Sound too good to be true? According to the article, it’s not. When test subjects use this film, “bags under the eyes vanish in seconds. Wrinkles disappear.”

We can only imagine the demand for a product like this if it turns out to be as effective as it seems! Researchers and others report that applying the film to the face makes bags under the eyes seem to disappear. Scientists also believe this film can be used medically to treat patches of eczema or psoriasis by covering dry, itchy skin with a pliable film that moistens and soothes. The applications seem endless.

This is no pipe dream or amateur lab project. The article quotes researchers from Harvard and M.I.T. who have conducted pilot studies with 170 subjects. The newly created artificial skin is actually a film that is made up of commonly used chemicals the Food and Drug Administration has declared safe. So far, none of the trial subjects has reported any allergic reactions to the test product.

The research, says the New York Times, was funded by two groups in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who own the patents. But independent experts have evaluated the data and several of those not directly involved with either the product or the test seem impressed. One expert from Columbia University termed the product “brilliant,” while another said “I think it will be very popular” – if ongoing tests continue to prove successful.

The article quotes Harvard dermatologist Dr. R. Rox Anderson who explains what causes age-related wrinkles. “A lot of what happens when we age and skin starts wrinkling and sagging is loss of elastic recoil,” Anderson said. “When we move skin, it doesn’t snap back to what it used to be.” This new, invisible film allows the skin to breathe while being strong and elastic enough to cause aging skin to recoil like more youthful skin does.

Once applied, the “skin” lasts for more than a day, and can be easily removed if needed. So far, scientists report, their tests have been solely for cosmetic applications. It may be a while before researchers know the response rate for test subjects who used the artificial skin to treat medical conditions. And even then, at some point the FDA will have to weigh in and approve the final product before it can be produced and marketed.

So while you can’t run down to the drugstore just yet and buy some “magic artificial skin” to take years off your looks, who knows? It might not be too long before scientists rise to the challenge! We’ll be paying close attention. But the sad truth is, too many seniors are more concerned about pretending they don’t have wrinkles than they are about planning for their future. That’s where we can help.

Here at AgingOptions we have assisted thousands of clients in planning for a healthy, vibrant, fruitful retirement. We work with clients to build a plan, which we call a LifePlan, that protects their assets while helping them avoid becoming a burden to their loved ones and guarding them from unwanted, unplanned institutional care. We would love to do the same for you. Why not start the planning process by attending a free LifePlanning Seminar? These highly popular events take place at locations throughout the area. Click on the Upcoming Events tab for dates, times, location and registration.

Artificial skin may make you look more youthful and confident – but nothing inspires true confidence like a rock-solid plan for your retirement years. We’ll look forward to working with you to create your LifePlan. See you soon at a LifePlanning Seminar near you.

(originally reported at www.nytimes.com)

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