With a new generation of retirees poised to make long-term living decisions, marketers say it’s time for a new name to describe retirement communities. So say good-bye to the time-honored term, “Continuing Care Retirement Community.”
That’s what the familiar acronym “CCRC” stands for, and it’s a term that has described a wide range of retirement communities for decades. In a CCRC residents can move from independent living to assisted living to nursing care without having to leave the facility. But these days, according to an article on the website www.leadingage.org, it’s time for something new that will appeal to the retirees of today, and tomorrow. (Click here to read this interesting piece.)
It turns out according to research that among boomers there’s a lot to dislike in the term CCRC. “The CCRC name is not doing a very good job of defining what these communities are all about,” says Jim Glynn of the marketing firm GlynnDevins. “If you are doing something innovative and you want to be noticed, you want to make sure that people understand what you do. If you can’t make that clear, people aren’t going to find you.”
The phrase “continuing care,” for example, has negative connotations among more active retirees. The boomer generation knows they’ll need care someday, but for now these men and women are far more drawn to communities that promise a more active and well-rounded lifestyle. Enter the “Life Plan Community.”
This new name, according to industry experts quoted in the article, reflects the approach boomers in particular are taking toward their retirement years. “You could almost see people saying at a younger age that there are a number things we want to be sure and do over the next couple of years,” says Harry Hobson, retirement community CEO. “Let’s sit down with our financial planner. Let’s make sure our will is up-to-date. And let’s go visit one of those Life Plan Communities so we can begin thinking about the future. It’s all part of life planning, not about being a certain age.”
Of course, none of this is new to us! We’ve been advocating our LifePlanning approach to retirement for years. Whether it’s housing, finance, legal, family or health planning, we work with clients of all income levels to help them chart the proper course to a solid, strong retirement. But if you’re ready to get serious about retirement planning, where do you start?
We suggest you begin by attending one of our free, information-packed LifePlanning Seminars, held at locations throughout the area. The Upcoming Events tab on this website lists all the dates and times. Space at these highly popular seminars is limited so don’t be disappointed – register online today for the date and time of your choice. Attending one of these seminars will give you a solid overview as you begin to look ahead.
We also welcome the chance to meet with you in person to help you develop a detailed, comprehensive and personalized LifePlan. Contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving your needs.
(originally reported at www.leadingage.com)