
Beating fatigue starts with realizing it's not normal just because you're aging

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Fatigue results in functional impairment and is also caused by functional impairments. When an individual has less ability, it takes more energy to perform a task.  If you’ve found that your workout isn’t working out for you any more, it may be because of your age.  At least that’s what this article suggests.  But, the article isn’t claiming that age is the real culprit.  So, if you feel more tired or take longer to recover after a workout, here’s some of the factors that may be at play:

Your medications.  The list of side effects for many medications include fatigue.  You’ll see it listed on medications for blood pressure, allergies, and insomnia among other things.  According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, the author of “The Magnesium Miracle,” the worst offenders are antibiotics.  If you believe your medications are playing a role in your fatigue, ask your doctor for an alternative option.

You’re anemic.  Low levels of hemoglobin caused by chronic diseases, GI bleeding disorders, malabsorption issues and an iron-deficient diet can rob your blood of the ability to carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.  According to WebMD, roughly 13 percent of people over the age of 70 are anemic.

You’re dehydrated.  Seniors and individuals with chronic disease are more  prone to dehydration as your sense of thirst becomes less acute as you age and you’re less able to respond to changes in temperature.  Older adults also eat less or forget to eat altogether.  People with chronic diseases such as uncontrolled or untreated diabetes, kidney disease and heart failure are more at risk of becoming dehydrated.  A cold or fever may increase your susceptibility to dehydration because some people feel less inclined to eat or drink when they are ill.

You didn’t fully recover from your last workout.  Recovery time increases as we age.  If you find that your body hasn’t recovered from your last workout, either take the additional time necessary to recover or try a less strenuous form of exercise such as Pilates or yoga during your rest days.

You have sleep apnea.  If you wake feeling nearly as tired as when you went to bed, you may have sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes people’s breathing to pause while they are sleeping.  Those pauses can last anywhere from a couple seconds to a couple minutes and occur frequently.  Those frequent breathing breaks cause people to move from deep sleep to a light sleep, which is what causes you to feel so tired the next morning.

You don’t breathe right.  Shallow breathing allows your body to take in too much carbon dioxide and may make you feel as if you are hyperventilating.  Yoga can improve your mindfulness about your breathing.

Your eating habits hurt you. High blood sugar levels and a diet in refined carbs can cause fatigue.  Eating healthy is important at any age but wholesome foods will help to keep your body strong and work to keep your energy levels up as you age.  A balanced diet contributes to a higher quality of life and enhanced independence as you age.

Check out these top 10 ways to boost your energy from WebMD

If your doctor says that everything is normal and that your fatigue is a natural part of growing older, consider replacing your doctor with a geriatrician. 

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