
Got a "Seniorville"?… I Wanna Know About It

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Happy Couple in FallLast Sunday’s Seattle Times Real Estate Section put a spotlight on the area of Riverside Drive / Bothell, a fine berg just north of Seattle,  touting it’s attraction as a “Seniorville”.  This put me in mind of an important concept that I counsel Boomers and Beyonders on when the issue on the table is…

“Where’s the best place for us to live out our ‘final 1/3 of life’ with a high level of  health and happiness”?

That concept is the one of “Blue Zones”, which I’ve explored in past blog posts on this site. In short, Blue Zones are  locales that possess a high percentage of the 9 factors  researchers have discovered to be big determinants in producing the longest living peoples all around the world.

I’m aware that in Western Washington there have emerged lots of naturally occuring neighborhoods, like Bothell, that are what I call “amenity rich”,  in terms of factors such as walkability, public transport, recreational mix, shopping and restaurants, educational opportunities, etc.. For example, the Northgate area, around the Northgate Mall is just such a ‘hood’.  As is the community of Sequim, out on the Olympic Penninsula.

So, here’s the deal… I want hear from you if you’re either living in what you consider to be a great “Seniorville”, or know about one of these types of neighborhoods.  It doesn’t matter if its a tiny “pocket”, a development or a whole town. And no… at least for this “research”… no stand-alone retirement structures. And remember, we’re aiming for Western Washington… so, no “nominees” like Tuscon, Arizona or Palm Desert, California or Wenatchee, WA.

I’m going to go about the business of putting these great spots for aging-in-place onto a comprehensive Google Maps guide in order to better serve folks who are considering making what I call  a Smart Move out there in this territory known as  The Goodlife 3.0.  So let me hear about your nomination, and why, in the comments section below, or on the AgingOptions Facebook page. Thanks!

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