
Power of Attorney

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Typical concerns about Powers of Attorney 


I’m afraid that the person I appoint won’t manage my affairs properly

giving someone the potential power to manager affairs can be frightening. This is why it is important for you to appoint someone you trust to be your attorney. She must use your finances as you would for your benefit. Giving someone a power of attorney does not limit your own rights in any way. It simply gives the other person the power to act when or where you cannot act.

Does a power of attorney take away my rights?

Absolutely not. Only a court can take away your right to manage her own affairs, through a conservatorship or guardianship proceeding. In attorney simply has the power to act along with you, and as long as you are competent, you can revoke the power of attorney.

I don’t have anyone I trust enough to give them power over my affairs

if you do not have someone you trust to a point, it may be more appropriate to have the probate court looking over the shoulder of the person who is handling your affairs through a guardianship. In that case, you may use a limited durable power of attorney to simply nominate the person you want to serve as your guardian. Most dates require the court to respect your nomination "except for good cause for disqualification."

What if I change my mind?

You may revoke your power of attorney at any time. You need to send a letter to your attorney telling her that her appointment has been revoked. From the moment the attorney received a letter, she can no longer act under the power of attorney. If you have recorded the power of attorney with the land records of your County or at the probate court, you must record the rev

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