
Social Security Collaborates With America Saves Week

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A secure retirement is created from a lifetime of planning and saving. Each year, American Savings Education Council and America Saves coordinate America Saves Week. The week is an opportunity for organizations to promote good savings behavior and a chance for individuals to assess their own saving status. Many people will be in retirement for 20 to 25 years; will you have enough saved?

For years, Social Security has collaborated with America Saves Week to promote our shared mission of helping millions of people prepare for their future. This year, the week is celebrated from February 26 through March 3.

Knowing this, it’s never too early to start planning for your future. Set a goal, make a plan, and save automatically. Savers with a plan are twice as likely to save successfully. Pledge to save for America Saves Week at www.americasaves.org. Share what you’re saving for using the hashtag #ImSavingFor.

Social Security’s “People Like Me” website has tailor-made information for preparing for your future. Our richly diverse country is made up of countless backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities, yet we all want the same thing — a secure future. You can see many of the diverse people we serve at www.socialsecurity.gov/people.

Younger people need to know that the earlier you start saving, the more your money can grow. Our website for young workers at www.socialsecurity.gov/people/earlycareer has resources that can help you secure today and tomorrow.

Need assistance planning for your successful retirement? Give us a call! 1.877.762.4464

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