
Take the Assessment of Chronic Care to see if your Primary Care Physician is Meeting Your Needs

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Many of you know that we, at AgingOptions, encourage you to create a retirement LifePlan that includes health, housing, finances, legal, and family. Good health is an imperative part of having a happy, fulfilling retirement. Although it may be a surprising suggestion, we strongly encourage our clients to search for a “board certified” geriatrician (after they’ve reached the age of 65), or geriatric care clinic, because board certified geriatricians are significantly better at:

  • spotting age-related illnesses
  • managing medications to protect patients from medications that may have adverse effects for those over 65
  • can better coordinate care (not only with regards to specialists, but also for transportation, equipment repairs, and care management providers).


Dr. Marty Levine, a board certified geriatrician in Seattle, Washington, is the Medical Director at Iora Primary Care. Iora (www.ioraprimarycare.com) provides centralized services for the needs of people 65 and older on Medicare. Iora has clinics in Central Seattle, Renton, Shoreline, and Federal Way. Their clinics meet the needs of many patients looking for:

  • more time with their doctor
  • providers aware of the specific needs of older adults
  • comprehensive, quality, centralized healthcare

Dr. Levine has provided us with a document to help you discern if your primary care physician is meeting your healthcare needs. By taking this Assessment of Chronic Care, you will be able to identify the areas in which you may need to change your healthcare provider and the areas in which you are sufficiently cared for. If you find that your doctor rarely or never asks appropriate questions or shows little interest in your healthcare goals, it may be time to search for a new physician. This opens the opportunity to search for a “board certified” geriatrician or geriatric care clinic in your area.
If you have questions, or want to learn more about why a geriatrician (or geriatric care clinic) is the most effective way to preserve your health, call us. We’ll be happy to assist you to a plan that truly provides the kind of long-term assurance you been seeking for your retirement.
Assessment of Chronic Care Questionnaire

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