Aging Options

Women will see higher long term care premiums than men

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Genworth Financial, the country’s largest supplier of Long Term Care policies has announced that they will begin charging women higher premiums than men for the same coverage starting next year. 

Women generally live longer than men and also generally serve as caregivers for their husbands and therefore are more likely to need the insurance.  Women claim $2 out of every $3 spent according to Genworth spokesman Thomas Topinka.  Women can expect to see premiums go up by 20 percent to 40 percent.  The company will also begin requiring all applicants to undergo the same type of medical exam that life insurers often require, including a blood test according to an NPR article.  That’s a change from their usual policy of just looking at medical records and only performing tests if a red flag is raised.  Two states, Colorado and Montana prohibit varying premiums based on gender in all insurance products including Long Term Care, which suggests that there are some opportunities for advocacy in the remaining states.  You can contact Mike Kreidler, the Washington state Insurance Commissioner at (360) 725-7000 or 1 (800) 562-6900.

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