Is a Prepaid Funeral For You?
As a client, I follow your posts on Facebook (and listen to the KTTH radio show on Saturday). I saw a posting about this subject uploaded by; a website that posts information about bank activities related to consumers. Perhaps the article would be of interest to Rajiv?
I respectfully disagree with the stance. Clearly, caution needs to be heeded. But, it is better to have the funeral planned than not. Most people in Washington now are planning cremations. And one can pay about $800-$1000 to have it prepaid. If costs go up, no further worries. Money is placed in a life insurance policy so if crematory goes out of business the money is safe. But, there is no one absolute right answer to anything. There are stories, like the ones in the article, that suggest that things are bad. My personal experience is that things are not that bad. Can be managed.
Rajiv Nagaich