
Preparing for Your Funeral: Preplanning, Due Diligence, and Good Communication Can Head Off Difficult Surprises

If you’ve ever faced the emotional trauma of having to make funeral arrangements for a loved one, you’ll be able to empathize with this recent article from the Kiplinger website . It reminds us of something we might rather not think about: the reality of our own death. One day we will each shake off this mortal coil, and … Read more

The Right Approach to Funeral Planning Can Help Ease Family Grief

If you’ve ever faced the emotional trauma of having to do funeral planning for a loved one, you’ll be able to empathize with this article from the Kiplinger website. It reminds us of something we might rather not think about: the importance of funeral planning and the reality of our own death. One day we will each shake … Read more

Emotional Decision-making with Our Parents

Emotional Decision-making with Our Parents © By: Eric M. Crozier, Geriatric Care Manager I am entering my twelfth year in a career working essentially with seniors. I have spent many hours working with individuals, couples, families, and even dear friends of the aforementioned, all with the goal in mind, of helping them to reach safe … Read more

Putting Home Care in Perspective

The Evolution of Home Care In the first century of our country’s history there was no such thing as nursing homes or assisted living. Society was mostly rural and people lived in their own homes. Families cared for their loved ones at home till death took them. In the latter part of the 1800’s because … Read more

Misconceptions About Who Pays for Long Term Care

A large majority of the American public still believes that the government will provide long termcare when needed. It is this misconception that most likely prevents people from doing any planning at a younger age for the future need for care. According to the National Care Planning Council, (www.longtermcarelink.net) many people believe they can give … Read more

Planning for Your Elder Years

If we were to ask an older person what his or her most important concerns for aging are, we would probably get a variety of different answers. According to surveys frequently conducted among the elderly, the most likely answers we would receive would include the following three principal concerns or life wishes: Remaining independent in … Read more

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