Aging Options

“There’s No Playbook”: Son Learns the Hard Way How Difficult It Is to Take Over the Affairs of an Aging Parent in Mental Decline

Ask someone who has been there, and they’ll tell you that caring for an aging parent in decline is one of the hardest things they’ll ever have to do. In this eye-opening article in US News, a son describes the incredible challenges he faced as he assumed control over his mother’s affairs during her severe … Read more

In Sickness and in Health: Being Your Spouse’s Caregiver is “the Biggest Challenge Your Marriage Will Ever Face”

Most marriage ceremonies include the phrase, “in sickness and in health” – usually just after “for better, for worse.” This recent article on the website has opened our eyes to the fact that, for about 3.7 million men and women who are caregivers for their spouses, both those statements are being put to the … Read more

Can People Find Joy Living with Alzheimer’s Disease? A Growing Number of Patients and Families are Learning How

Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise in the U.S. We’ve shared the statistics before: today about 6 million Americans live with dementia, mostly Alzheimer’s, and by 2050 that number will soar to more than 14 million. The typical narrative describes Alzheimer’s disease using familiar adjectives, such as devastating, tragic, catastrophic. But who would ever describe … Read more

“Caring, Reassuring and Sensible” – a Simple Idea to Help Comfort Your Loved Ones with Dementia

We love to run across news stories that point out how the simplest of ideas can have a tremendous impact, and that’s how we felt as we read this heart-warming article published recently on the BBC News website. As we at AgingOptions read this story we thought it would be a good one to share … Read more

Avoiding Caregiver Burnout: 9 Tips to Help You Care for Yourself, So You Can Better Care for Others

There are few tasks more demanding than caring for a loved one, especially if that loved one has dementia. Because caregiving in these circumstances is so challenging, it’s easy for a caregiver to overlook the need to take care of themselves. But as everyone knows, self-care is vitally important. How can caregivers look out for … Read more

Ask Someone Who’s Been There: 8 Things No One Tells You About Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

We’ve said it so many times, it sounds painfully familiar: there may be no tougher task than being a caregiver for a loved one suffering with Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia. It’s an experience shared by more than 16 million Americans, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, who provide unpaid care day in … Read more

You’ve Moved a Parent into a Care Facility – What Do You Do When Others Make You Feel Guilty?

This scenario may sound extremely familiar. You’ve been caring for mom or dad for quite a while, but it’s gotten to the point where it’s just not safe for them to keep on living at home. Your parent needs more care than you can provide. After months of vacillation, you finally make up your mind: … Read more

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