
Approaching Your Aging Parents 101

What can you give an aging parent who has everything this Holiday Season? Try the gift of paying attention”. At no cost to you, this simple and invaluable gift can bring much peace and joy to entire families. As your parents age it is inevitable that we’ll see changes in their health, their ability to care for themselves, and their cognition. For those of who see our parents infrequently, the holidays are an excellent time to pay attention and look for some of the changes that I, as a Geriatric Care Manager, often see in the aging population.  Here are some light-hearted, but practical perspectives to adopt that I often find myself “coaching” children of aging parents on:

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Talking With Family About Placement

Few decisions are more difficult than the one to place a spouse or parent in a nursing home. Since nursing homes are seen as a last resort, the decision is generally overlaid by a sense of guilt. Most families try to care for loved ones at home for as long as (or longer than) possible, … Read more

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