
Harvard Study: U.S. is Unprepared for Looming Crisis in Senior Housing

Nearly three-quarters of senior Americans want to live in their own homes as they age – but less than one percent of American housing stock is properly equipped to accommodate them. That’s just one finding that grabbed our attention from a comprehensive study by Harvard University called “Housing America’s Older Adults.” It’s a long report … Read more

VA-approved Foster Care Program Provides Loving Home for Vets, and Saves Uncle Sam Millions

A small program that began in Little Rock, Arkansas, almost 20 years ago is now providing home-like care to about 1,000 veterans, at a fraction of the cost of nursing care. Besides saving the Department of Veterans Affairs millions in care costs annually, this initiative, called the Medical Foster Home program, provides loving care in … Read more

Nation’s 42 Million Caregivers are Finally Getting Greater Support Thanks to New Bipartisan Law

Much has been written – but not enough has been done – about the plight of the nation’s estimated 42 million people, almost all untrained family members, who are serving as primary caregivers for a loved one with chronic health problems. Some of these are caring for children with disabilities, but many more are at … Read more

Medicare Advantage Plans Cleared to Offer Expanded Services This Fall

Starting this fall, your ride to the doctor’s office or your home-delivered meal might be covered by your Medicare Advantage plan. The same goes for that air conditioner you need to help deal with your chronic asthma or the grab bar you needed installed in your shower for safety. Indeed, the popular Medicare Advantage programs … Read more

Should Your Aging Parent Move in with You and Your Family? Experts say, “Consult Your Head and Your Heart”

It’s a decision a growing number of families will face, especially as the baby boomers get older. Your mom or dad is starting to show signs of physical or cognitive decline. They seem less happy and secure living on their own than they used to. Sooner or later for millions of families the question will … Read more

WSJ: Reverse Mortgages Becoming “More Appealing” to Younger Retirees

When the Wall Street Journal talks, people tend to listen, and that certainly applies to a subject as frequently misunderstood as reverse mortgages. A year or so ago this article appeared in the pages of this authoritative financial paper, and we have to imagine that it caused a few skeptics to sit up and take … Read more

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