
Retirement Hell or Retirement Heaven: Author Says the Choice Comes Down to Self-Awareness, Making the Right Decisions

If you’ve listed to Rajiv Nagaich from AgingOptions for any length of time, you’ve heard him say repeatedly that 70 percent of people fail in retirement. By failing to plan ahead, they end up broke, a burden to their loved ones, and often facing the grim prospect of unplanned institutional care. That sounds like “retirement … Read more

“A Tale of Two Retirements” – NY Times Reports That Most Low-Income Workers Retiring During Pandemic Did So Involuntarily

As the pandemic slowly comes to an end – or at least a pause – we’re now better able to gauge the impact of this huge disruption on the American workforce. It’s becoming clear that the number of people leaving their jobs due to retirement is increasing dramatically. For some, the pandemic has prompted a … Read more

Some Good Budgeting News: After Eliminating These Expenses, Your Spending in Retirement Might Actually be Less Than You Think

Will you spend more in retirement, or less? While some retirees do go a little crazy in the first few years of retirement with travel and other luxuries, once things settle down most people find to their surprise that they’re spending considerably less than before.  Last year we read this article from USNews that lists … Read more

“A Hidden, Dangerous Side to Retirement”: Research Reveals Potential Slowdown in Brain Function, Increase in Cognitive Decline

Much has been written (and reported here on the AgingOptions blog) about the alluring benefits of retirement – and about some of the pitfalls. Those who retire without a sense of purpose, for example, are at far greater risk of the damaging effects of isolation and depression. But new research, described this article we found … Read more

The CARES Act Says Retirees Don’t Have to Take RMDs This Year – But What If You Already Did? You Could Get a Do-Over

We’ve been getting a lot of questions here at AgingOptions about the CARES Act and how it affects retirees. “CARES” stands for Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, and this new law’s impact is far-reaching and, in many cases, still being assessed. One of the well-publicized benefits of the new law for retirees is the … Read more

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