
Eight Common Health Problems That Can Mimic Dementia

Cognitive decline is the health condition seniors generally fear the most. The thought of a gradual slide into dementia terrifies many of us, which is why we tend to overreact at every minor mental slip-up. If I’ve misplaced my glasses, does that mean Alzheimer’s disease is lurking just outside the door? Fortunately, the answer is … Read more

Getting on with Living After Your Caregiving Duties End

The role of caregiver for a spouse or loved one is often all-consuming. Even with respite care, something many caregivers don’t have, the physical, mental, and emotional burden of helping someone you love with activities of daily living takes an inexorable toll. While most caregivers may cherish the time as an expression of love and … Read more

Family Caregivers are Unprepared for the Stress of Managing Finances 

Dozens of articles appear each week about the challenges of being a caregiver. We’ve shared many of these here on the Blog. But occasionally we encounter an article like this one from NextAvenue that tells a familiar story from a slightly different perspective. Articles like these help us understand the pressures of caregiving with greater … Read more

Healthcare Systems are Dropping Some MA Plans Over Payment Disputes

During open enrollment, millions of Medicare beneficiaries are in the process of deciding whether to choose a Medicare Advantage plan or stick with traditional Medicare, augmented by a supplemental policy called a Medigap plan. Those Medicare Advantage plans are often slickly packaged and heavily advertised, to good effect: data seems to indicate that about half … Read more

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