Aging Options

If You’re Concerned About an Aging Parent’s Sedentary Lifestyle, Here Are Some Ways You Can Encourage Them to Get More Active

Just about every article we read about healthy aging emphasizes the need for older people to stay active. Even a minimal level of physical activity – walking, gardening, stretching – helps aging adults live longer and healthier lives. By contrast, a lifestyle of inactivity often turns into a downward spiral of physical and emotional problems … Read more

Four Words That Can Lead to Better Brain Health: “Get Up and Move!”

It may not be a fountain of youth, but it’s a simple prescription from which practically anybody can benefit. New research has shown that physical activity helps keep your thinking sharper, even for those with limited mobility and for those already experiencing some cognitive decline. Activity Keeps Your Brain Sharper We read about this reassuring … Read more

Yet Another Study Demonstrates the Benefits of Walking to Delay – and Even to Reverse – Cognitive Decline

We’ve written about this topic before – many times – here on the AgingOptions blog, but some recommendations are just too important to ignore. Now another new study has demonstrated once again that something as simple as regular walking can delay, and perhaps even reverse, the onset of cognitive decline leading to dementia. You Can … Read more

Another Reason to Exercise: Hardening of the Arteries Shown to Increase the Likelihood of Developing Dementia

A new study published in mid-October in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has given us all an even greater incentive to eat right, exercise and watch our blood pressure. Researchers have now found convincing evidence that hardening of the arteries, commonly called “atherosclerosis,” significantly increases the risk of developing dementia. The study was the subject … Read more

Exercise Benefits the Brain, Scientists Report – but How Much Exercise? New Report Provides Answers

Just about anyone who reads articles about dementia knows that there is mounting evidence of the benefits of exercise. Hardly a week goes by that we at AgingOptions aren’t running across another report that demonstrates how those who work out have better cognitive health than those who remain sedentary. But just how much exercise is … Read more

Swedish Study Shows Higher Fitness Levels Result in Dramatically Lower Rates of Dementia

What if you learned that there’s one lifestyle change you can make that could dramatically reduce your likelihood of developing dementia? A 44-year long Swedish study, just described in the journal Neurology, revealed some truly extraordinary results that may provide at least preliminary evidence of that “silver bullet” in the battle against cognitive decline. The … Read more

If You’re Over 50, These New Exercise Rules Apply to You

Maybe you’re in your 50s or 60s (or beyond) and you’ve decided it’s time to get serious about exercise. Or maybe you’ve always been active but now that you’re getting older you’re starting to wonder if it’s time to start doing your workouts differently. No matter where you are on the spectrum between “couch potato” … Read more

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